5 First Aid lessons to teach children
14th March 2018
Children have a relative idea of what’s wrong and right and what can harm them because from the moment they’re born, we’re constantly warning them with a firm ‘no’. When they’re climbing over the furniture, reaching to pull on the handle of the top drawers and fiddling with wires or plugs, we’re constantly on the edge of our seats. Along with telling them ‘no’, it’s also important to teach them what to do, should an accident occur. Children are sponges just waiting to retain information, so give them credit and teach them these five basic lifelong lessons that’ll keep them in control during emergencies.
Call 999
Teaching your child to call 999 in an emergency is something that needs to stick. Regardless of the issue, whether the situation requires the police, fire brigade or an ambulance – they will be directed on the phone by a calm and friendly dispatcher who can talk them through the situation at hand.
It’s important to discuss with your children what they should do in the event that their Mum or Dad, or anyone else for that matter, takes a turn or requires serious help. You may want to try roleplaying a few scenarios, to embed the idea of when a 999 call is appropriate.
You might want to run them through the questions that they will be asked on the phone. This will include their name, address and the nature of the issue – whether it’s an illness or injury. Let them know that it’s OK to remain on the phone whilst help is on the way. In fact, the operator will most likely offer advice that will help to handle the situation whilst the emergency services are on their way.
It might be an idea to write a reminder on the fridge ‘In case of emergencies’ and note down the address and the number 999.
First Aid Kit
Every home requires a simple first aid kit, this should contain:
- Plasters
- Sterile gauze dressings
- Bandages
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Alcohol-free cleansing wipes
- Antiseptic cream
- Digital thermometer
- Sterile gloves
- Adhesive tape
Show your child where the first aid kit is kept and go through each item, explaining what it is and how it’s used. Let your child handle these first aid items and let them practice using them, so they understand how bandages are to be held in place and how to appropriately clean wounds etc.

Deep cuts and bleeding requires direct pressure to the wound and to ensure constant pressure is applied, you must explain how best to use a gauze pad and a bandage. Explain to your child that they must place the pad over the wound and wrap a bandage around the area tightly to help put a stop to the bleeding, until help arrives.
Broken Bones
Without going into too much detail, explain to your child that a broken bone is the same as a crack and fracture. Let them know that when a bone breaks, this can cause a lot of pain – and possibly blood loss or immediate swelling around the area. Explain to them that it’s vital not to move a person with a broken bone.
If your child is the one who has a broken a bone, ensure they know what to do. This includes:
- Call for help
- Tell the help where it hurts and make sure that the injured area remains still (If this area needs to be rested, place on something soft, such as a rolled up jumper)
- Keep talking to whoever is helping, for reassurance
- Don’t eat or drink anything, in case an operation is needed
- Stay calm and with this person until help arrives
Fire: “Stop, drop, roll”
A well known phrase that’s easy to remember and could save lives. Should your child’s clothes catch on fire, they must remember to:
- Stop, what they are doing
- Drop, to the floor with their hands covering their face
- Roll, back and forth until the flames are out
Next, your child should seek medical attention and have the burns cooled with cold, running water.

By keeping your child in-the-know with these five basic first aid lessons, you could boost their confidence, keep them safe and provide them with important, lifelong knowledge.
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